​Every year, the Students' Union and Queen's Sport offer recurrent grant funding to our Sporting Clubs, Academic Societies, Cultural Societies, and General Interest Societies. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide funding for Religious Societies, Political Societies, or Charitable Societies. If you're not sure which category you fall into, just get in touch with the team.
Recurrent grant funding is allocated on an application basis. For Societies, each application is marked and graded, and this then determines the level of funding allocated. Clubs use a slightly different model. Committees must complete and return the application form by the stated deadline. The form should be completed to the best of your ability, as missing or poorly completed responses will impact your overall mark.
It's important to remember that recurrent grant funds must be spent in line with the rules linked below. This means that you shouldn't enter costs on your application form which recurrent funding isn't allowed to be used for (e.g. a Society formal, or Committee Dinner)​
2023-4 Grant Application Forms
Top Tips for Completing Your Application​
Read the Form Carefully – Make sure you have read what each section of the application asks you specifically and answer it as best you can.
Work Together – All your committee should have input into the process and be happy with your Club / Society’s final submission.
Be Clear and Accurate – Be as clear as you can when highlighting all your Club / Society’s good work. Use bullet points or numbering to allow us to see clearly what you have done or plan to do. For any financial parts of the application, make sure your figures are correct.
Sell Yourself – Don’t be afraid to highlight your real need for the grant. Allow us to help you out by highlighting specific projects you plan to do and real benefits to your members.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask – If you have any problem with the application process, don’t be afraid to contact anyone from the Clubs and Societies team by email.
Get it in on Time – Make sure you fill out the application in good time and have it ready to email before the deadline. We will send out a confirmation email when we have received your application form.