Committee Responsibilities

From time to time, you may need to book Queen's services to support your events on campus. These services are your responsibility to organise and aren't automatically put in place when you book a room. You will often need to pay a fee to have these services carried out for your event. These services could include the likes of:
Cleaning and Waste Management: Large events or sit-down dinners will often require cleaning afterwards to return the venue to its usual state. You can find contact information for this department here.
Portering: The University's Porters can help you with some equipment and furniture hire, room set-up and takedown, and access to locked campus spaces in the evening and on the weekend. You can contact them on
Security: Large events on campus may require security stewards or checks. You should flag any large events to the team by emailing
When emailing University departments about your event, make sure to include full details of:
Who you are and which Club / Society you are part of
A description of the event you're running, including how many people are expected to come and what they will be doing
The location of the event
The start and end time of the event itself
Any set-up time required before the event and any takedown time needed afterwards
Once you've made arrangements over email with the relevant department, contact the SU Clubs & Societies team. We will log your request onto the University's service booking system (called PlanOn). Any fees will be charged to your Club / Society account after the event, using the information entered on PlanOn.
You should allow plenty of time to get these services arranged and the request logged on PlanOn. Often, departments will have to organise staff to come in to cover your event, so you need to make sure you've provided appropriate notice.