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Committee Responsibilities


Equipment Register

As a Club or Society, you have a little bit of housekeeping to do when it comes to your equipment. Any equipment you acquire which is valued at £500 or more (excluding VAT) must be recorded on the University's Inventory Register. Remember that 'acquire' here refers to anything you purchase or receive - so even if the equipment was a donation or provided free of charge, it still needs added to the Register.


If you buy something or receive an item of equipment, all you have to do is:

  • Contact the Clubs and Societies team with the details of the equipment, including its current state of repair and its value (whether or not you paid for the item). They will submit the relevant form and give you a numbered inventory label to attach to the item.

  • Stick your inventory label securely to your item of equipment. Make sure it's attached well and clearly visible. You might also want to take a photograph or keep a note of the inventory number in case the sticker ever falls off.

Remember, if your Club or Society already has an item of equipment that has not been recorded on the University’s Inventory Register, simply follow the steps above.

If you decide you no longer want to keep an item or piece of equipment which is currently on the University’s Inventory Register, make sure to inform the SU team so that it can be removed from the register in the correct way.


Don’t forget:

  • Keep a list of all your equipment and where it's stored, regardless of value. 

  • Label all of your equipment with a permanent marker, clearly showing the Club / Society name.

  • Where applicable, stick your inventory label on your equipment firmly and in an easily visible place.

  • Don't mix up personal items with Club / Society-owned equipment, and don't let members leave any personal items in a Club / Society storage space on campus.

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